“Flexible Desires”, Alessandro Vena, piano
Karen Bogardus, flute, Orlando Wells, violin and viola and Matt Castle, piano play Le Pressioni del Passato by Davide Zannoni at Trinity Church
"Jikkai", for violin and violoncello, is titled after a principle in Nichiren's Buddhism. Jikkai literally means "The Ten Worlds", which are ten life-conditions that human beings experience. They are dynamic states, and each person constantly goes in and out of them daily, usually with a tendency to experience some more than others. [Jennifer Choi, violin, and Dorothy Lawson, half of Ethel Quartet]
Davide Zannoni, composer Claire Chan, violin Ching Chen Juhl, viola Marc Tagle, cello Concert at Zimmerll Art Museum, NJ February 2009. "Glimmers of Acceptance for String Trio (2005) is based on an ancient and haunting Chinese folk-song called "Little Bok-Choi", from the Northern Hebei province near Mongolia, in which a daughter mourns her mother's death.